Manteca, California Speed Traps

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in shape parking lot

Manteca, CaliforniaApr 18, 20100 Comments

previously described speed trap is located just east of hwy 99 on the north side of 120, NOT west of 99.

Hwy 120/Yosemite

Manteca, CaliforniaApr 16, 20100 Comments

West on Hwy 120/Yosemite in the In Shape parking lot just West of Highway 99.

Highway 120

Manteca, CaliforniaApr 16, 20100 Comments

Both West and East bound lanes ANYWHERE between Highway 99 and Interstate 5.

union Street near yosemite Avenue

Manteca, CaliforniaMar 26, 20050 Comments

motor police on the east side of union road about 1/2 mile south of yosemite ave. usually uing radar in the morning hours. when you exit the freeway and head towards town they are on the right side of the road just past wawona.

Yosemite Avenue near Veach Avenue

Manteca, CaliforniaJul 07, 20041 Comments

I’m surprised that this trap has not been listed on here. This has been a very well-known trap through the city of Manteca over the years. Between Union and just outside of downtown, the speed limit is 25. Police have very little if any tolerance for any speed above 25.

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