Mission Viejo, California Speed Traps
Felipe, passing OSO to La Paz Area
As you’re coming down the hill passing OSO Parkway, Heading towards La Paz, there is a cop on the left hand side sitting watching motorist. Also as your going up the hill past Oso on the right hand side heading towards La Paz, there is cops that sit there on the first right and second right by the two Gated Areas (second cop is on top of the hill and the first one is usually to late to see). Another one is also further up the road past the light on the left hand side. He sits across from the Baseball Fields just before La Paz and also at night i’ve seen cops sit ontop of the hill by the big water tanker entrance. I know it’s a lot to take in but hopefully this helps.
On Trabuco, between El Toro Avenue and La Vina St
Cop on motorcycle hides behind sign at church parking lot, drivers coming from El Toro Avenue can’t see him until is too late, this street used to be a 50mph now is 45mph sign is right by the church, he also targets with his radar gun traffic from the other side of the road coming up from Los Alisos, the road bends a little after Modesto st and you can’t see him sitting there until you past the church. He used to be there mostly mornings and at noon, but he’s been spotted sometimes in the afternoon as well.
Oso Eastbound approaching Marguerite
Motorcycle cop sits in driveway at Oso Medical Plaza hidden by trees with radar. Hits motorist coming around curve approaching Marguerite on Oso.
Going from Felipe/Olympiad to I-5 on Oso
Going towards I-5 from Felipe/Olympiad on the right hand side at the corner of Pacific Hills and Oso a motorcycle cop sits on the sidewalk w/ radar and waits. He’s hard to see, as drivers are usually moving pretty fast and are coming around a corner that hides the officer until it’s to late. They’re busy all morning long.
Alicia Parkway and Colonel
As you are driving on Alicia down the hill toward I-5 an OC Sherriff motorcycle sits on the right on Colonel (just before the girl’s softball fields) monitoring downhill speeds.