Moorpark, California Speed Traps
spring road
There is a speed sign on the southbound downhill section that shows your speed then snaps a picture.
Collins Drive and Campus Canyon Drive
Sometimes a patrol car; often a motorcycle. Officer parks in the bus stop turnout on the west side of Collins Drive just north of Campus Canyon Drive. He appears to be there targeting vehicles coming to and from Moorpark College as I mostly see this during school days/hours.
23 west bound offramp to Princeton Ave.
CHP will clock you as you enter the long offramp to Princeton Ave. don’t attempt to beat the red signal for left hand turn.
Tierra Rejada at Vons
Motorcycle cop will sit in the entrance of the Vons parking lot next to Lemmos during the high school lunch hour, with a radar gun pointing at the grade coming from LA Avenue in front of the school (catching eastbound traffic). As you come over the grade doing 45 (as posted) there will be no kids around therefore not a school zone. But, he will get you and say it is a school zone because there will be some kids where he is that you can’t possibly see.
East Bound Tierra Rejada Rd. just before Right Aid
motorcycle cop on right hand sidewalk facing west at east bound traffic. He just now set in that position.