Moorpark, California Speed Traps
Spring Road northbound past McDonalds
Motorcycle cop traps cars passing the schoolbus pulled over in the shoulder and claims the car should have stopped for the bus with the flashing lights – whether the lights are flashing or not. VERY EXPENSIVE ticket, $800!
Hwy 23 between Olsen Rd and Tierra Rejada Rd.
CHP is always hidden in draw on west bound side in the afternoons, there is no possible way to see him as your coming off the steep grade. I’ve seen him site 3-4 people per hour while I was practicing on the Driving Range along the East side of the Fwy.
23 south,, 1 mile past tierra rejada exit, south to T.O.
CHP sits off the side of freeway in the shaded area with radar ,you cant see him till its to late
New Los Angeles Avenue
Motorcycle cops always seen at Chevron gas station for cars speeding around semis. Also, near Jack In the Box, a motorcyclist cop sits in board day light. very aggressive in enforcement. Most lunch times I see cops giving 2-3 tickets!
Daryl Taylor Street near Moorpark Avenue
Sheriff is parked on West High Street ( just west of Moorpark Rd. / 23 North ) looking east at traffic heading toward him. You do not see him as you drive west down High St.