Murrieta, California Speed Traps
southbound I-15 at Murrieta hot springs road
they use lidar on s/b 15 traffic, watch out there.
Lincoln Avenue near Los Alamos
Motorcycle cop sits there throughout the day at top of hill.The speed on Los Alamos is 45.The speed drops to 20 on top of hill then as Lincoln Avenue goes on,it speed goes to 25.Cop waits until you turn onto Lincoln then traps you when speed immediately declines.
Golden Rod & Moonlight
Officer sits back a way on Moonlight so that he can capture the increased speed going down Golden Rod. Speed limit at top of the hill is 40 mph and 25 mph at the bottom.
Masters Dr. & Couples Ave.
If you’re coming from Members Club Drive from the golf course & make a right on Masters Drive going south .The speed limit is 25 the cops usually wait at 4-way Stop on the corner house to your left under neat the tree with the laser radar.
los alamos between briggs and whitewood
sits around blind turns and behind trees. been hit twice. he will evaluate the vehicle for any other violations such as tread depth,tinted windows,etc.