Palos Verdes Estates, California Speed Traps
Palos Verdes Drive East Drive near Mile Marker a bout1/2 mile east
Have that urge to gun it up that 2-lane hill from the circle? At the top of the hill, a police bike with radar awaits you….
Palos Verdes Drive near Palos Verdes Boulevard
Either entering PVE from South Redondo via PV Blvd or leaving PVE via PV Drive where it becomes PV Blvd in South Redondo.
PV Drive near Plaza
Of the two Motor cycle cops in PVE the little one likes to park is motor cycle in the "NO PARKING" area just to the East of the Plaza as you cross the cross walk and proceed up the 4 lane road (with sholder). He radars all the people who coast down the hill and gain speed over the way too low speed limit. And then claims you were driving unsafely… (cvc22350)a job security and salary justification only.
Palos Verdes Drive near Southern City Border
Entering PVE from RPV and driving north. 200 yards into the city is the intersection of Via de la Guerra. I live nearby and see PVE police shooting radar at people coming over the hill into PVE. Speed limit before the city is 45 (most people going 65), speed limit once you enter PVE = 35 Lots of contributions to the PVE city made here.
North Palos Verdes Drive
Two cops got me today on PV Drive North. They were right where the Drive becomes one lane and the right lane goes down to PV Golf Course. They were there all afternoon.