Redlands, California Speed Traps
East bound I-10 at Tennesse
CHP Motor cop will sit in the shadow of the Teneessee St. bridge around 8:00 AM (You have the sun in your eyes) on East bound I-10. He sees you long before you see him!
#330 at the split going south/Entring 330 from I-10 North
Highway patrol regularly sit in the divider where the #330 splits going East or West onto the I-10. Although visable, it is almost always too late as the freeway does not lend itself to seeing them until almost on top of them. However they also sit in a hidden part of the same area watching traffic exiting the 10 onto the 330 going north. Since the speed of traffic there is usually well above 65, it is easy to get caught.
Crescent St between Center and Alessandro
Moto cop on one of the side streets (Caballero, Monterey???). Posted limit is 35.
Stop sign at Alessandro and Creekside
One or occasionally two units parked up Creekside monitoring the stop at the bottom of Alessandro (right by the bridge). Definitely look up Creekside to see who is parked there!
Interstate 10 East & West/Fontana-Banning -Redlands areas
Rader enforced speed trap on Interstate 10 East & West between Cherry and Live Oak Cyn Road. The Redlands/Banning/Fontana area along Interstate 10 is heavily monitored for speeding. Guaranteed a ticket with big fine and fighting it will land you the San Bernardino courthouse. Beware and slow down.