Santa Rosa, California Speed Traps

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Southbound 101 at River Road overpass

Santa Rosa, CaliforniaMay 05, 20110 Comments

CHP was on foot on top of River Road overpass. He vehicle was parked at the top of the cloverleaf to enter southbound 101. He was across the overpass with radar shooting southbound vehicles from behind. If he got you you would never see him until he caught up to you and had his lights on you.

Guerneville Road west of Dutton

Santa Rosa, CaliforniaMar 11, 20110 Comments

After a series of stoplights westbound from 101 and Coddingtown, this four lane divided road passes through a field on a long sweeping curve. The 40 mph speed limit is not plainly posted and a lot of folks speed up to 45-50 (which feels completely safe) in frustration after all those uncoordinated stoplights. The cops hide out on the street to the right after the curve and they are like raccoons in a barrel of fish. This is also a popular location for their Friday and Saturday night DUI checkpoint. Don’t make a U-turn to avoid it – they have officers watching to nail you back down near Dutton for at least the illegal u-turn.

Franklin Ave. Between Poppy Ave and Pacific Ave

Santa Rosa, CaliforniaJan 08, 20110 Comments

In this area Franklin Ave. is virtually rural: it runs adjacent to Santa Rosa Rural Cemetery. The posted limit is 30MPH and you’ll likely get rear-ended or run off the road should you attempt to go only 30. Santa Rosa motor-cycle cops, armed with radar lurk at the open area where Monroe St. merges, by the gate to the cemetery, at Carr Ave and the numerous open driveways along the side opposite the cemetery. This is an easy gotcha for the revenue enhancement officers. Worst is that the minimum fine seems to be $280. Clearly this is more about revenue than safety although there is a school zone too although it’s not a typical school.

Grange Road Bet Bennett Valley Rd & Crane Canyon Rd

Santa Rosa, CaliforniaDec 18, 20101 Comments

This 3 mile long road with posted speed of 40mph has CHP on site every day — sometimes with 2 cars working the area

Santa Rosa Ave. Santa Rosa Ca.

Santa Rosa, CaliforniaOct 11, 20100 Comments

CHP has set up a radar speed Trap on Santa Rosa Ave. When called CHP said they did know where Santa Rosa Avse. or Santa Rosa Ca, was!
This is a CYOA (Cover Your Own A$$).

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