Tustin, California Speed Traps

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Edinger & Kensington

Tustin, CaliforniaSep 12, 20130 Comments

Construction zone. speed reduced from 60 to 45. motor cop hiding behind signs in the center median. lunch time when traffic is light and no constructiojn is being done. road wide open. beware.

newport ave and rockhurst

Tustin, CaliforniaDec 13, 20100 Comments

Theres a CHP with a speed gun sitting there at 6pm-11pm during the week. Its a lil past rockhurst and you can’t really see him beacause hes parked in the shadows where there isn’t a street light. I know this because I see him everynight coming home from school and I’ve gotten a ticket from him, when i was coasting down hill going toward 17th on newport.

Jamboree Rd / 261 and Barranca

Tustin, CaliforniaJul 06, 20100 Comments

They sit on top of the hill Just past Warner the on west bound Jamboree 261 in the mornings and other times. They’ll also sit above on the Walnut on/ramp over pass and tag you from behind.

Newport Ave at El Camino Real

Tustin, CaliforniaMar 26, 20100 Comments

On Newport Ave south bound approaching Fwy 5, motorcyclepolice officer sets at a gas station with radar gun. Posted at Bryan Ave on left 35mph. Early morning traffic 45 -50 mph, watch out!

Yorba by 17th

Tustin, CaliforniaMar 26, 20100 Comments

Cops hang out in the office buildings on the North West side of Yorba. They apparently think they are really smooth about it, but who cant see a black and white car with lights on the top. Still beware, they aren’t always in the same spot.

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