Yuba City, California Speed Traps
Queens ave by Sylvia st
Right before the church/pre-school a motorcycle cop sits with his radar. He will get you if your going over 25!!!
Bunce/Clark Avenue near Hillcrest Street
Motorcycle police hide on the side of road behind trees and are hard to see, just as Bunce ave. goes downhill and becomes Clark avenue. Most motorists driving north are going 30(it is a residential Zone}get stopped for not slowing quickly enough to 25 for the catholic school on Clark avenue.
Grey Avenue near Bridge Street
Motorcycle officers will clock motorist from in front of the school or the Fed Ex parking lot.
State Highway 20 near Sutter Street
Heading west over the Feather river bridge, motorcycle cops sit on the median between the road and the exit to sutter street. They use K band radar. They are very hard to see.
State Highway 99 near Central Boulevard
Cops hide at the bottom of a hill where people will have been going "a little too fast" in many cases. Hwy. 99 is generally a 2-lane road, but just before it comes into Yuba City, there is a passing lane, ending in a downhill section. It is easy to be going too fast..so watch out here! We got a ticket, but fought it and won!