Concord, New Hampshire Speed Traps
Off I-89 Exit 2….Clinton Street
Almost always a trap on Clinton Street heading south toward Concord.
Airport Road
wide straight road, residences on one side, speed limit 30. Concord cops are always tough, but this road is ridiculous. Strict enforcement on radar, will ticket at 35
393 eastbound exit 3, Routes 9 & 106
A motorcycle trooper will park in the shade under the next, or route 9 bridge and point his radar up to the bend in 393, at exit 3. You will pick up speed going downhill and I had no idea what was going until he turned the blue lights on and started waving frantically. This is a trap you will likely see in warm weather.
North pembroke rd pembroke
From The concord end of this road to end on rte 28 there are various side roads that there is always a cruiser hiding on. There road also consist of many uphills and downhill slopes and it is hard not to go a little over. The speed limit should also be set at 35 as it is residential, but it is set at 30 and not many post saying so. This is a no tolerance zone and if you get pulled over you will get a ticket. Know this first hand.
I- 89 & Spring St
Just west, I-89, between exit 2 and 3, in a turnaround. However, their gold shield on the side of their cruiser quickly provoked a concert of brake lights as 80 became 65 for a short time.