Del Norte, Colorado Speed Traps

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HWY 160

Del Norte, ColoradoJul 16, 20110 Comments

I was stopped going through Del Norte, traveling to CA (which i told the officer). The speed limit on 160 is 65 in most places. Well apparently it goes from 65 to 45 down to 30 in about 300 yards, which im not sure is posted conspicuously (if at all westbound). He said i was going 62 in a 30! I explained the situation and he rushed me as if he needed to get back to his speed trap! He wrote me the ticket and told me i would have to come back to del norte for a mandatory court appearance, i explained i couldnt (out of state military). he said and i quote " well ill drop it to 49 in a 30, but im gonna have to "hit" you for something else then… careless driving" I cannot believe this misuse of police force! BEWARE! They are not public servants in Del Norte.

moddle of town on hwy 160

Del Norte, ColoradoApr 18, 20100 Comments

i was given a ticket for going 47 three feet in front of a 50mph sign. the ticket was for 47 in a 35 zone. a nasty little game to generate 95.00 for the town of del norte, colo. I have not had a traffic violation in 12 years.

State Highway 160 near Grande Avenue

Del Norte, ColoradoMay 26, 20081 Comments

The speed limit drops from 35 mph to 25 mph for a couple of blocks then goes bsck up to 35 mph, the lower speed limit is not clearly posted. Local law enforcement will exagerate the speed of out-of-staters passing through.

State Highway 160 near State Highway 160

Del Norte, ColoradoJan 19, 20072 Comments

Colorado State Hwy 160 runs through Del Norte. The city is only about one mile long. No Joke, if you are going one mile over the speed limit you may be stopped. I was stopped going two miles over the limit. I was given a warning. The speed limit goes from 40-30-25MPH. Watch out! This could be you!

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