Erie, Colorado Speed Traps

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Hwy 52: between I-25 & County Line Rd

Erie, ColoradoAug 17, 20110 Comments

1-2 Weld County cops
Every night on my drive home from work between 11pm and 1am
4 out of 5 days I see someone pulled over, CHERRIES AND BERRIES blazing

I-25 between Hwy 7 and Hwy 52

Erie, ColoradoAug 17, 20110 Comments

Most nights (weekdays and weekends) I see 2 State Patrol cars parked in the median. Parking lights on. If you come over the hill too quick they’ll surprise you.

Road 8 / Leon Wurl Parkway between I-25 and CR 7

Erie, ColoradoMar 27, 20100 Comments

Late at night they can park in the drive of the recycle place…. I got stopped there for allegedly speeding…. the speed limit is 50 mph….. got a dui for barely over the .08 and it screwed up a year of my life…. I only go one mile on that road before turning north toward home…. I never speed, and no never take those roads that Erie cops patrol after dark….. and I don’t drink and drive anymore.. even just a couple….

N. 119th Street near Jade Street

Erie, ColoradoMay 11, 20080 Comments

This is really frustrating. The cop hides at the bottom of the hill on the rail road tracks. You never see him because of the trees on the east side of 119th. It should be 55mph and is only 30mph by an open field! Get’s everyone leaving my house before they ever get to Jade or the bigger street Jasper.

Arapahoe Road near County Line Road

Erie, ColoradoMay 11, 20080 Comments

This is near the meat packing plant on the south side of Arapahoe. The cop sits on a gravel road, but you can’t see him when you are going east. All of the sudden you see him and it is too late. Plus it’s only 40mph in that area where it should be 55mph. Nothing around except the plant and fields.

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