Fowler, Colorado Speed Traps
U.S. Hwy. 50 East
Police sit at the Bushy’s Motel and hide behind the sign. I got a ticket from a cop that said I was doing 41 in a 35 leaving town. After I checked into the town the Mayor and his wife own the motel and encourage police to issue tickets. I did find an alternate route, State Hwy. 96 East. I suggest everyone Use It.
US Highway 50
Two lane U.S. 50 goes through Fowler, Colorado and the local police hide behind resturants, trees, and off the roads in parking lots. It is so bad a local resident had placed an old semi-trailor on the edge of town and painted a warning.
US Highway 50
At any point throughout any day, Fowler police hide on either side of town for speeders. Most of speeders caught are either accelerating before leaving the city limit or speeding into the city limit. It has been rumored that speeding tickets are a major source of revenue for the town.
US 50 about middle of town.
Heading east on US 50 the speed limit changes from 55mph to 45mph outside of town, then it changes again to 35mph in town. Right between the 45mph and 35mph speed limit signs I was pulled over by a corvette Fowler city police car. I was given a speeding ticket and if I would pay another $25 the ticket would not go on my record. I have decided to never go through this town again and I would advise you to not either.
On highway Fifty
There is usually a radar car setting on the east side of town where the highway curves out of town. The speed limits are 45 going west and 35 going east.