Glenwood Springs, Colorado Speed Traps

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Glenwood Canyon

Glenwood Springs, ColoradoMay 24, 20120 Comments

A marked police car will drive beside you going exactly the speed limit, while an unmarked car with an non-uniformed man will come up on your rear and tailgate at speeds above the speed limit as you drive down the canyon. It’s very dangerous but you should pull over and report the unmarked car immediately on 911. If you attempt to pass the marked police car to get away from the tailgater, the unmarked officer will have the marked car ticket you at the bottom of the canyon. ENTRAPMENT and DANGEROUS TO BOOT !

Glenwood Springs, CO.

Glenwood Springs, ColoradoNov 20, 20100 Comments

On Highway 82, going south-east from the bridge over the Colorado River, the speed limit is 25. It is a very wide road with parking and turn lanes. After the 3rd traffic signal, don’t speed up because it looks wide open. The cops will nail you at 30 MPH, and they use a variety of unmarked cars. The fines are at least $150 for a first offense. Entering the city from the south-east you have to drop down from 55 to 25. There is a wide turn and they wait at the end of the turn for the speeders.

I-70 Westbound Glenwood Canyon

Glenwood Springs, ColoradoOct 04, 20100 Comments

1 mile east of No Name exit,on the big curve.State Patrol will sit under the big blue sign indicating Rest Area one mile. The divider is staggered to allow a patrol car to back in behind it, and under the sign.Very clever hiding place.
Trooper clocks you zooming around the big curve, makes contact,and pulls you over at the No Name exit.

No Name exit on I-70

Glenwood Springs, ColoradoMay 20, 20100 Comments

State troopers parked at top of East bound or West bound entrance ramps clock you as you go by the ramp

4 Mile Rd south of town

Glenwood Springs, ColoradoMay 09, 20100 Comments

Glenwood police have a radar trap running regularly for people entering city limits where speed limit changes from 35 to 25.
Almost always runs during ski season for traffic to and from Sulight

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