Highlands Ranch, Colorado Speed Traps

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University Boulevard near Cresthill Lane

Highlands Ranch, ColoradoJan 02, 20080 Comments

Unmarked Black and Silver SUV’s (Tahoes) will patrol this area around 2:30 to 3:30, catching kids driving out of Highlands Ranch High School. Unmarked followed me until Veneford Ranch to pull me over, and the next day a silver Tahoe pulled over a girl near the Eastridge Rec Center.

Venneford Road near Cougar Run Elementary School

Highlands Ranch, ColoradoOct 29, 20070 Comments

Looking for rolling stops, non stops, too fast or not stopping for students or parents or cross walk people.

Town Center Boulevard near Lucent Boulevard

Highlands Ranch, ColoradoMay 24, 20070 Comments

Trap is on Town Center between Lucent and Sante Fe. Officer parks just west of Foothills Canyon. Speed limit is 45 mph, but easy to reach 60 mph coming down the hill. Officer is not visible going w/bound until the last second. E/bound provides limited visibility due to distance.

University Boulevard near White Bay Drive

Highlands Ranch, ColoradoJun 30, 20060 Comments

Douglas Sheriff sit by the water tank near Falcon Hills subdivision in a unmarked car or Chevy Tahoe, and will run radar of people going down the hill towards Venneford Ranch or to C-470 on University between the Albertsons shopping center and Venneford Ranch road. Its a 45 zone but even without hitting the gas on the hill its easy to hit 60 without noticing.

Venneford Ranch Road

Highlands Ranch, ColoradoJun 30, 20060 Comments

Between Colorado and University on Venneford Ranch, around Cougar Run Park and Elementry School. Douglas Sheriff will sit around Forrest Drive and clock cars going both directions. They usually have a deputy on a motorcycle running radar and a chaser car waiting down the road. Also remember this road is a school zone. There are also quite a few stop signs that are easy to miss, and they watch sign runners as much as speeders.

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