Kiowa, Colorado Speed Traps
Kiowa-Bennett Road on the north side.
20 mph on the Hwy 77 turn from the middle of town, Ute & Cheyenne, a school /safety zone to the edge of town before a 55 mph normal speed-limit.
Both on the east and west side of town on highway 86
The biggest problem is on the east side where the police sit just east of the Post Office to catch eastbound motorists. The speed limit is town is 35, which is reasonable . Just past the Post office it increases to 45, then 55. The police catch you going out of town to the east where you speed up when you see the 45 mph sign. passing the church, or the Post office.
Coming into town from the east they sit near the school on the right. You need to be sure you are slowed down at the 35 mph sign, or they will get you.
Kiowa has a population of approximately 730 people and 3 full time policeman. The town lives on speeding tickets.
CO Hwy 86 through Kiowa, CO
It is a school zone that is posted at 20mph when lights are flashing, and is posted at 35mph when NOT flashing. The little town of Kiowa has quite the revenue generator going on here. You can’t convince me that it is not a predatory situation that they have created and use to their advantage.
I got a ticket there recently. The officer said that the school crossing lights were active, and they absolutely WERE NOT from my direction of travel. After receiving a $320 ticket, I went back through town and double checked. The lights WERE NOT flashing when I returned …………….. I walked around and took a few photos of the area for 2 or 3 minutes. As I was doing this, the lights began flashing? I also noticed the ticketing officer had resumed his same position on the north side of the street where he had been when I passed through previously.
The flashing school zone lights were either defective ……….. or being remotely controlled. I’d be curious to know how they are set up …….. and by whom?
I’m pretty serious about my driving ………. Even though I really don’t have the time to mess with it, I’m going to contest this. Beware fellow travelers.
School zone on east side of Kiowa on Highway 86
The town currently has two sets of flashing school zone warning lights in both directions through town. One set flashes while the other does not. The sign flashes until 4:30 p.m. when the Kiowa high school website shows the last class lets out at 3:15 p.m. The placement of the signs is purposely confusing and misleading and the speed zone extends far beyond the time school is in session.
East end of Kiowa on HWY 86
There is a 20 mph school zone on the east side of town on HWY 86. It is marked with a flashing light that states “20 MPH When Flashing”. HWY 86 runs East-West in this area. If you are driving on a bright sunny afternoon heading East, or a bright sunny morning heading West, you will not notice the sign flashing because the bright sunlight overpowers the flashing light. If the sun is bright enough you can’t tell if the light is on or off at all, even if you stare at it and study it.