Montrose, Colorado Speed Traps

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On LaSalle Road just before the top of the hill

Montrose, ColoradoOct 19, 20110 Comments

The highway patrol sits in Sky Ute turnoff just as the sun is going down so you can’t see them. Speed limit turns to 40 mph at top of hill.

Highway 90, Ashenfelter hill

Montrose, ColoradoOct 22, 20100 Comments

Eastbound hwy. 90 at Ashenfelter hill, a long downhill section that requires braking to stay at speed limit. Radar units park between base of hill and Marine Drive.

6300 road from dairy to jay jay road top of hill

Montrose, ColoradoMay 10, 20100 Comments

you will see sheriff , city ,state patrol parked in wood stove parking lot or beside it or behind large white realtor sign or half way up the hill either side of the road useally backed up next to construction office or top of hill in drive where the house is for sale behind liliac bushes

On State Rd 50 (East Main)headed West coming into Town

Montrose, ColoradoMay 06, 20100 Comments

They sit on side of road or in Chamber of Commerce parking lot or the Red Barn parking lot

North Townsend(State Rd. 50 N)

Montrose, ColoradoMay 06, 20100 Comments

Side of road North of Airport going Nort or South

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