Ridgway, Colorado Speed Traps

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SH 62 through Ridgeway

Ridgway, ColoradoNov 07, 20150 Comments

Infamous speed trap on the main road from Montrose to Telluride supports the town. Officer always on duty. Speed limit is 25. You will reliably get a ticket at 26MPH. Advise going no faster than 20MPH.

State Highway 550 near US Highway 62

Ridgway, ColoradoMar 30, 20061 Comments

60mph drops to 45mph after a blind corner without warning!

State route 62 at west edge of town

Ridgway, ColoradoSep 18, 20020 Comments

Entering Ridgway from the west on route 62, the road makes a steep descent coming down off from the Dallas Divide. Speed limit rapidly decreases from 55-to45-to35-to 25. Without moderate braking you will exceed the 25mph at the bottom of the hilol, and that’s where the radar car sets.

Hwy 62 thru town

Ridgway, ColoradoJul 18, 20020 Comments

Main street thru town, posted down to 25 mph, town marshall just waiting to write, suspect town supported by tickets. If you got even a little bit over the posted, expect a ticket. Be very careful of the school zone, in so many words, creep thru town, its only about 6 blocks.

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