Windsor, Colorado Speed Traps

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Windsor, ColoradoMar 26, 20100 Comments

Speed limit is 30 mph in town, never go over 34 mph! They stop you for all reasons too.

392 after McDonalds

Windsor, ColoradoMar 25, 20100 Comments

They are always sitting on the N and S side of main, right after McDonalds. I think the South side is the high school turn

County Rd 13 Road

Windsor, ColoradoSep 08, 20080 Comments

County Rd 13, South of HWY 392 to Crossroads Blvd. I have seen people pulled over almost every day at any time during the day. Officers like to sit in the Bison Ridge and Steeplechase developements. It’s not too hard to see them if you are looking for them, but it’s usually too late. Best advise is too put your car on cruise control at 45mph, it’s easy to get going too fast without knowing it on the strech of road. Same thing goes for Crossroads Blvd east of I-25, on this strech you can get caught by Windsor, Loveland and the sheriff.

South 7th Street near Eastman Park Drive

Windsor, ColoradoAug 27, 20070 Comments

Windsor is known for it’s officers spending an inordinate amount of time on traffic speed enforcement. This is one of their favorite spots. As you travel South from Main street on 7th watch for them hiding on the east side of the street under some trees just before the stop sign at Eastman Park Drive. the road is wide with no parking and only a couple of cross streets. It is easy to get going 35-40 down the small hill. I have seen tickets posted in the police blotter in the local newspaper at this location for as little as 5-7 Mph over the limit. ie… John Doe was ticketed for speeding 36 in a 30 at 7th and Eastman Park. There are no houses facing 7th in this area and very little pedestrian traffic and no vehicles parked along the road to cause congestion or line of sight problems. This is simply a revenue generator for the town. I have lived here for over 20 years and have seen this area consistently patrolled especially at night in the summer when the weeds on the east side of the road are tall providing them a better hiding place.

State Highway 392 near Interstate 25

Windsor, ColoradoJun 06, 20070 Comments

Starting at I-25 driving east into Windsor on Highway 392 (Main St. in Windsor) continuing through the entire town. I’ve been living here a couple of months and have not gone a single day without seeing people being pulled over. I’ve had one bad experience for "racing" going 50 in a 45 zone. I’ve never had a traffic violation ever in my life. Enforcement is generally late afternoon and through the night. Be extremely careful in this town. Take care and enjoy your driving…

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