Essex, Connecticut Speed Traps
Route 9 Exits 3 and 4
Coming Northbound, there is a large, wide, unobstructed median immediately after the overpass (at exit 3) that they will occasionally sit in, monitoring either side of the highway. They also sit on exit 4 coming either direction. It is not uncommon for them to be monitoring the southern half of rt. 9, and they are known to be fond of these locations.
eastbound on West Ave, at break to Old West St
Main entry to Essex from CT Rt 9. As you go uphill on West Av (no marked speed limit), it curves into Old West St, where at 25mph sign and an immediate speed trap. You are accelerating engine for hill climb and dodging oncoming locals over the line on a curve. As you crest the hill (uphill acceleration becomes increased velocity) and round the curve, the 25mph sign becomes visible. Speed trap immediately behind sign. While 25 mph is appropriate (near library), it SHOULD HAVE BEEN posted at bottom of hill, before curve if Essex were genuinely concerned about safety. Officer is very polite but assigned location is purely predatory.