Fairfield, Connecticut Speed Traps
VILLA Avenue near BROOKLAWN Avenue
When you turn onto Villa Ave from Brooklawn Ave there is a curve about a half mile down and they wait there. I have seen a couple of people pulled over there several times and I myself was pulled over this morning. the poeted speed limit is 25 most traffic flow goes 40. The police are checking this spot because they are having complaints from the residents
BLACK ROCK Turnpike near BAROS Road
The long slight down hill stretch from Tunxis shopping plaza to Baros is a tempting coast @ 40-45 MPH but the speed limit is 25 MPH. They sit on the Baros side street with radar and nail one after another.
State Highway Route 1/Post Road near Southport Brewing/Railroad Tracks
This is a longstanding speed trap on Route 1/Post Road going through the Southport section of Fairfield near Southport Brewing, passing over the train tracks. The road at this point opens up like a semi-highway for a short while, but the speed limit remains 35 mph. I got nailed with laser at about 9PM for going 52 mph along this stretch. The cops like to return to this spot because for them, it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
Burr Street
Cop sits on the side of the road outside the autoban society building to enforce the school zone up ahed
State Route 59 Stratfield Road near Exit Number 46 Merritt Parkway
Southbound on Rt 59, about 2 miles south of Exit 46 Merritt Parkway, on long downhill just before park on right, Fairfield Police will position a Radar trap in the 35 MPH zone. They have also placed a remote speed monitor which flashes a visual speed reminder, but they prefer the real thing. Could make for a bad day to catch this and Villa Ave in one commute.