Greenwich, Connecticut Speed Traps

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West Putnam Post Road near Adjacent to Greenwich BMW

Greenwich, ConnecticutNov 05, 20060 Comments

New Lidar(Laser)unit mounted in the Silver Chevy Tahoe, marked with "DUI Enforcement" decals in red and black. Car sits apposing traffic with Lidar facing oncoming traffic heading West towards Port Chester.

Interstate 95 near Exit Number 2

Greenwich, ConnecticutJul 31, 20060 Comments

After passing Exit 2 going northbound, a state police car usually sits at the weigh station pointing his radar/laser gun out in traffic.

Railroad Avenue near Exit Number 2

Greenwich, ConnecticutDec 10, 20050 Comments

Police will sit on northbound side of road, sometimes in various vehicles and clock you as you approach northbound or southbound. The posted limit is 25 mph, but it is a large wide road that is near a school zone and is residential.

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