Hartford, Connecticut Speed Traps

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High Street near Jewell Street

Hartford, ConnecticutDec 23, 20050 Comments

Red light enforcement, often same officer.

I-84 east straight-away between 691 and hartford

Hartford, ConnecticutJun 10, 20020 Comments

CT’s only state owned helicoptor circles the 84/91 belt and aims it’s peepers right at 84 east bound at the straigtaway. Other risks here include a wide and busy median, and a near the exit on the right is a hole in the guard rail that oddly enough fits a crown vic perfectly… go figure.

I-91, northbound immediately north of Hartford

Hartford, ConnecticutApr 23, 20020 Comments

Where the overpass bridge and median devider ends immediately north of the city and Hartford I-84 & I91 interchage the trooper can hide quite conveniently on the LHS of the road

I-91 South – Leaving downtown

Hartford, ConnecticutFeb 01, 20020 Comments

Travelling 91 South through Hartford. You’ve gone under the 84 interchange, and now the road is going uphill. After you pass the right hand exit for the public library, the highway begins to go left, and it crests. Now you’re going downhill (always a good speed trap location). As you come down the hill, there are two lanes joining 91 on the right (coming from downtown). There is still a concrete barrier wall separating the lanes. As soon as that barrier wall ends there could be a state trooper cruiser hiding on the extreme right side of the road. He pulls into a recession in the concrete barrier and has targets in four lanes of traffic to choose from. He backs his cruiser up against the barrier so that you can’t see him ahead of time. Do not wait for visual confirmation. It could be too late when you see him! It _looked_ like only radar was in use, but they could be using laser as well. The first time I saw a trooper there I was doing 80, and was not stopped. I have not witnessed them go after anyone yet, so I can’t say what the cutoff point is, but I’m betting it’s 80 MPH. I have seen a trooper in this spot 3 times now — mid-day every time. All three times the cruiser vehicle in use was a Crown Vic.

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