Milford, Connecticut Speed Traps
Schoolhouse road near Wendys, going toward I95 entrance
There are 2 speed traps on this road. the first is right when you turn onto schoolhouse road, when Wendys is on your left, right across the street is a small inlet between the car dealership and the fence, he sits in that little hole with a radar, and as you speed by he pulls out and pulls you over.
The second is the park and ride, every now and then when I drive past the park and ride at night there are 2 cops sitting in the lot. Not sure if they check radar but they’re there alot.
High street, lot directly across from train station platform
By the train station is going up high street from the green, where the station is on the right, and directly across the street from the platform going towards NYC, there are two cops that routinely sit in that very long lot (where the condominiums are) and catch as the cars speed through the lot
Woodruff Road between Red Bush La & Burnt Plains Rd
Quite often they will set up radar and get you as you come down the hill. Speed limit is 25 MPH so its like shooting fish in a barrel!
Boston Post Road near Meadow Street Commuter Lot
The officer sits in the commuter lot as you pull off the Milford Parkway exit across from the BBQ Restraunt. There is a stop sign there that is easy to roll thru because it is right before a traffic light. Then you are snagged!! Always come to a complete stop at that stop sign before proceeding the few feet to the traffic light.
Route 15N, Milford CT past the Wheeler’s Farm Road exit.
I am currently working a job on Wheeler’s Farm Road and for the past few days there has been a state trooper posted before the bridge facing the Northbound traffic.