New Haven, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Davis St./Whalley Avenue

New Haven, ConnecticutJun 05, 20100 Comments

New Haven Officer sitting right behind dry-cleaning building across from the Jewelers’ where the traffic light is. QUICK LIGHT!! I’ve been taking that route for years to school and ever since construction I’ve seen this guy sitting there ALL THE TIME!!!

He pinched me for proceeding through a yellow light; abso-lutely b.s. First ticket, even said to “derrr, its a quick light.” WATCH OUT! Guy doesn’t give a break, threw my ticket at me and made his monthly quota.

On Derby Ave.

New Haven, ConnecticutApr 12, 20100 Comments

As you cross over Ella T. Grasso Blvd. staying on Derby Ave. the street turns into George St. and police are located as the street name changes to George St.

I-95 Near Exit 15

New Haven, ConnecticutNov 29, 20090 Comments

A state trooper was parked on the grassy section next to the on ramp, about 3/4 a mile away from Exit 15. Drive slow during the holiday season, the state is looking to make money.

Kimberly Avenue near Interstate 95

New Haven, ConnecticutOct 14, 20080 Comments

Comming from West Haven (Elm St) into New Haven. Motorcycle officers sitting under the interstate 95 overpass.

State Highway 15 near Exit Number 59

New Haven, ConnecticutFeb 19, 20070 Comments

Right after exit 58 going northbound on W. Cross Pkwy (highway 15), there is a "rest stop" on the side but it really is for a state police cruiser to camp in there pointing radar out in traffic. Also watch your speed going downhill into the tunnel, cops are on the side of the freeway sometimes with radar pointing out in traffic.

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