New Haven, Connecticut Speed Traps
Whalley Avenue near Holocaust Memorial
Coming from Woodbridge, in the heart of Westville, as you begin to travel UP hill on Whalley Ave…you pass the Holocaust memorial on your right and a little further up on your right there they are many mornings!
Chapel Street near Ella Grasso Boulevard
As you cross over Ella Grasso Boulevard on Chapel Street, beware of the trap. You pass the park on your right and there they are further down the road on the right.
Townsend ave and Woodward Aveheading for Lighthouse Park
New Haven motorcycle cops sit out of sight on both streets to catch people entering school zone right after straight away.
whitney ave/route 10 south just after hamden line in front of st thomas church/school
just as you pass the lake whitney waterfall on the right side of whitney at ogden st (st thomas church)at least 3 motorcycle cops ticket you in a 25 mph zone. a private school is located in the church so they can double if they want to. 166.00 was my fee!
I-95, MacDonald rest stop area
State police (on foot)waiting in rest stop/gas station area and ticketing (Ct. General Law 14-100AC) if vehicle in motion and passenger -in this instance- unbuckle seat belt before vehicle is parked and engine is turned off. Time of Day: 10:00 AM Sunday, November 11, 2001.