Prospect, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Scott Road By Timber Hill Road

Prospect, ConnecticutMay 15, 20120 Comments

They sit in a turn around (even at night) and catch you coming down the hill. Speed limit is 30MPH but almost nobody can travel that slow there.

Route 69

Prospect, ConnecticutMay 03, 20100 Comments

The Firehouse across from Algonquin School. Have passed many times noticing cops in the parking lot with speedgun hoping to catch us going faster in a school zone (fine is doubled)

State Route 69 near Talmadge Hill Road

Prospect, ConnecticutMay 07, 20060 Comments

Heading rt69 north, about a half a mile past the turn for Talmadge Hill Rd on the right side in the parking lot for Prospect Paintball. They sit in the trees and shoot radar through the trees.

State Route Route 69

Prospect, ConnecticutJan 17, 20060 Comments

Radar units set-up sporadically along Rt 69, especially on weekends. The posted speed limit of 30 mph is very easy to exceed on this wide, four lane stretch beginning at the Waterbury town line.

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