Shelton, Connecticut Speed Traps
Independence Blvd, Shelton Ct
If you are coming down this road between 5-10 am and 1:30-2:30am beware or unmarked car. Blue Chevy Impala.
Madeline/Waverly Rd.
Cop in an unmarked car sitting on a resident’s property right after the hill where the road narrows at the wide intersection.
State Route Rt 8 near Exit Number 13
Right before exit 13 going towards Waturbury if you look on the left of the highway right after the sign above, there is a dirt spot left from a sitting car, I have seen cops hiding there many times, even if they aren’t there you could see the mark from them being there so be careful! You have to really look because its surrounded by trees.
State Route 8
There are numerous hiding places between Shelton and Waterbury on Route 8. The speed limits vary between 45 and 55 quite a bit. I am usually doing 70+ to keep up with traffic. The Connecticut State Police monitor this road. Be Careful! They are everywhere!
State Route 8 NB near Exit Number 40129
After the Shelton Town Line sign heading NB on Route 8 after Exit 11 and before Exit 12 (Old Stratford Road), on the right side of highway in grass breakdown area, a trooper is parked with driver side pointing oncoming traffic conducting laser/radar comb. speed trap. Trooper also tends to reposition himself along stretch of highway (Including behind the Exit 12 sign) for the next 2 miles alternating left and right side of highway. For this city, speed traps end after the Exit 13 (Constitution Blvd./Bridgeport Avenue) on-ramp before the 1/2 mile mark for Exit 14. (Howe Avenue, Shelton, Route 110)