Simsbury, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Farms Village Road near Greenwood Lane

Simsbury, ConnecticutApr 27, 20040 Comments

Cruisers usually sit in the entrance to Stratton Brook Park or nearby, mostly hiding in the trees. They usually don’t stop anyone going below 45 but keep your eyes open.

112 West Mountain Rd.

Simsbury, ConnecticutJun 03, 20030 Comments

Tonight, they stopped about 7 or 8 cars here in an hour. I was in the area and heard them on my scanner, so I thought I’d check out what they were up to. There were 2 cruisers, my V1 indicated that they were both running Ka radar. They had cars lined up on the side of the road writing ticket while they continued to clock others that passed by. I’ve seen them here frequently in the past so I would drive carefully on this road. Speed limit is 30, flow of traffic is 50+.

Tariffville Rd. (Rt. 315) by soccer fields

Simsbury, ConnecticutJun 03, 20030 Comments

Across from the soccer fields, they sometimes use Ka radar clocking folks coming from or going to work. They hide very well under the tree cover there.

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