South Windsor, Connecticut Speed Traps

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Pleasant Valley Road near Clark Street

South Windsor, ConnecticutJul 13, 20070 Comments

Patrol car sits in a parking lot of one of the condo complexes in the vacinity.

Rye Street near Troy Road

South Windsor, ConnecticutJun 14, 20060 Comments

I almost got pinched here a few weeks ago. I saw a motorcycle in the distance that looked like it could be a cop, but I thought nothing of it because I had never actually seen a motorcycle cop in CT. Sure enough, it was in fact a cop armed with his laser. He hit me with the laser just as soon as I could clearly see the gun. If not for the slow driver in front of me, I probably would have been speeding and pulled over.

Main Street near Pleasant Vly. Road

South Windsor, ConnecticutMay 13, 20050 Comments

Sits on corner of Main St and Pleasant Valley Road with radar

Buckland Rd. Near Rte. 30.

South Windsor, ConnecticutJun 03, 20030 Comments

They shoot laser up the hill on Buckland road as you pass Deming Rd approaching the Rte. 30 intersection. This is a great place for them as they are not easily visible here despite being pretty much out in the open.

Route 5 near Strong Rd.

South Windsor, ConnecticutJun 03, 20030 Comments

Another favorite spot for the SWPD. They shoot laser from the brick factory to motorists heading north on Rte 5. I have also seem them using radar (K or Ka) on the other side of the divider clocking cars as they blaze by going south.

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