Stonington, Connecticut Speed Traps
entire town
avoid overunning the yellow line anywhere in the town at any speed…you WILL be pulled over.
Stonington Borough at the bottom of the viaduct westbound.
As you crest the hill a Stonington cruiser is positioned at the bottom of the viaduct with radar. Usually after dark. There is a very sharp corner at the bottom and the speed limit is 15 or 20 mph so you can’t go any faster around the corner anyway. He is probably there for the excuse to catch DUI violations. Summer is prime time. Cuidado amigo.
Farmholme Road near Exit Number 91
Police often sit at the Oil company in between the trees and also in the dirt lot across from the fire station. The roads speed limit is 25 but most people go at least 35. They also occasionally put up the police radar monitor that flashes your speed as you drive by.
Pequot Trail near I-95 – Exit 91
Cops usually are parked at the NE corner of Pequot Trail (Rt 234) and Main St, right near the SB off ramp from I-95 at Exit 91. They catch people who dont come to a complete stop at the intersection. They also sit a little farther east on Pequot Trail in the entrance of the phone company substation catching people westbound, cresting a hill.