Waterford, Connecticut Speed Traps

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I395 51B Hartford Split

Waterford, ConnecticutMay 26, 20030 Comments

Police are pulling you over from 50MPH zone which goes into 65MPH zone in less then a quarter of a mile. On a speeding ticket in a 50 MPH zone going 78MPH the fine is$239.00. There is no points on your license. No explanation why it is so high. What can I Do.

Merge from I-395 to I-95 Southbound

Waterford, ConnecticutOct 01, 20001 Comments

This trap is abusing police power to the fullest extent of the law. I’ve seen at times 8 police cruisers lined up at the end of this strip of highway. The speed limit is posted at 50 when it is completely safe to cruise around 70. Cops stand in the middle of the road with laser in hand and wave over their victims. If you drive by them, one of the many police cars lined up chases you down I-95. All forms of radar are used including airplane. Also, unmarked chevy caprices drive alongside traffic a few miles before the trap where the speed is 55. These take radar readings and inform by radio the cops at the trap.

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