Hockessin, Delaware Speed Traps

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millcreek road near evanson rd

Hockessin, DelawareOct 25, 20190 Comments

cop sits behind bridge before back entrace to hickory hills

Valley Rd & Evanson Rd

Hockessin, DelawareJul 12, 20090 Comments

Occasional trap leaving 25 mph zone entering 40 mph area

Old Lancaster Pike & Yorklyn Rd

Hockessin, DelawareJul 12, 20090 Comments

Occasional radar in 25 mi. zone

Brackenville Road near State Route 7

Hockessin, DelawareApr 22, 20080 Comments

2 police cars sit right in front of Talls Oaks School and pull over cars as they come up the hill on Brackenville Rd heading towards RT 7…speed limit is 35.


Graves Road near Between Mill Creek Road and Newport Gap Pike 41

Hockessin, DelawareDec 20, 20070 Comments

There are regularly 2 cop cars hidden around both bends for the last couple of days every month. They pull almost every car over. It’s next to impossible to keep to the ridiculous speed limit and actually make it up the hill.

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