Alachua, Florida Speed Traps

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main st. to south city limits on U.S. 441, city of Alachua

Alachua, FloridaJul 08, 20140 Comments

South bound lane of U.S.441 from Interstate 75 to Gainesville city limits, NO Alachua city limits sign posted along hwy. Unmarked APD and black and whites

The entire length of 441 thru the town of Alachua

Alachua, FloridaMar 13, 20140 Comments

I drive thru Alachua two times a day and consistently see someone pulled over almost everyday. Most days its 5-6 vehicles but have counted 14 in one day. This began in October of 2013 and it is continuing. I have spoke to many people who have been pulled over including my husband (only once) and ironically where he was pulled over the officer was positioned on the bottem of a hill around a corner that would have made it almost impossible to even clock him where the speed limit dropped. The recent change in the speed limit signs coming into Alachua from the south I’m sure is contributing. Wondering if town is gathering funds for new police station?

All of Alachua

Alachua, FloridaJul 18, 20110 Comments

If you speed in Alachua, you can receive a ticket or some form of a warning. You should obey all traffic laws regardless of where you are.
If you don’t, then you are making it unsafe for all others on the roadway.

If this was approved by the editor and you are viewing it, then they promote safe driving…..

State Highway 235 A near State Route 441

Alachua, FloridaFeb 18, 20082 Comments

City of Alachua PD sit off the road on north side and use radar as you are coming down the hill towards HWY 235. Many tractor trailers on this road now as the dollar general warehouse is there and the new sysco warehouses._

US Highway 441 near Interstate 75

Alachua, FloridaJun 14, 20073 Comments

Alachua is getting almost as bad as Waldo, Florida

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