Apopka, Florida Speed Traps
Lester Road near Plymouth Sorrento Road
This is a fairly new road with little traffic-medianed road with a 25 speed limit-should be 45-and they sit and watch(with radar),write tickets
441 Trail
Southbound 441 after you pass the 436 turn-off, they hide on the right side as you come around a bend and by the time you see them it’s too late.
State Route 429 near US Highway 441
FHP Corporal is always busy on that area. The cruiser has a new clear lightbar and you can’t see him until is too later. I guess radar detectors won’t work against him.
State Route 441 near 429 Expressway
Apopka PD has been known to sit at the intersection of s.r. 441 and the 429. As you head north on 441 and pass the 429 the police sid on the grass looking for speeders and red light runners. Watch out!
State Highway 441 near 429 Expressway
Apopka P.D. Sits on the grass just west of the 429 on 441 bagging people for speeding and red light running