Campbellton, Florida Speed Traps
Be EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS when driving in this area – the speed limit goes from 65 to 45 in 5 seconds and by the time you top the hill – it’s TOO LATE!
There are two Jackson County Deputy Sheriff’s posted on north side and south sides of Campbellton.
Stoplight at 231 and sr-2
The yellow is so short a heavy vehicle can not stop in a reasonable distance, what a bad thing for anybody passing through.
Hwy. 231 and Hwy 2 intersection at the Red light.
There are 4 overhead cameras now aimed at the intersection in N. bound and S. bound lanes of 231. If you have to stop for red light, do not cross over onto the white line or you will recieve a fine in the mail.
South Highway 231 as you come over the overpass
Be very careful as you turn left onto Highway 231 south at the red light from State Highway 2 west. There are no visible speed limit signs as you enter the highway until you are at the top of the overpass. That is when you see the police car and a speed limit sign for 55mph at the same time. The speed increases from 35mph to 55mph according to the officer as you travel south on Hyw 231 south. He clocked me going 60mph in a 35mph zone. The ticket reads “Hwy 231-overpass”. He sits in the first turn lane on the north bound side of Highway 231after crossing the overpass.
State Highway 231
Speed limits drop in variations of 10 miles at the time, from a busy interstate. The speed limit drops all the way to 35 from regular hwy speeds. Officer sits in curve at site of where speed limit drops rapidly, so it is very difficult to pick up on radar detector.