Deltona, Florida Speed Traps

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Baton Street near Saxon Boulevard

Deltona, FloridaMar 15, 20060 Comments

This small street between Saxon Blvd and April Ave is a 25 MPH residential zone notorious for Volusia County Sheriff Office. I have been ticketed 4 times in a three year span, for doing up to 30 MPH on these street. Mainly the first weeks of the months, generally from 7am to noon.

Ft Smith Road near Normandy Boulevard

Deltona, FloridaMar 14, 20060 Comments

There is a curve and a hill when you are travelling on Ft Smith up to Normandy. Right past Normandy, there is sometimes one or two officers with radars lying in wait.

North Normandy Street near Elkcam Boulevard

Deltona, FloridaAug 26, 20050 Comments

From Elkcam to the new section of Normandy, primarily where the speed limit drops Southbound from the new section and both directions on the Hill between Elkcam and Armadillo. Mornings mostly.

Seagate Road near Sharp Left Turn

Deltona, FloridaMay 30, 20050 Comments

You go around the turn coming from catalina and as you gain speed going down the hill they will step out in the road and wave you over, Last time I checked there were 3 Motorcycle cops and 2 patrol cars at the basin.

Saxon Boulevard

Deltona, FloridaNov 27, 20040 Comments

Coming westbound from orange city, after the I-4 bridge, there is a Wendy’s on the right and a shopping plaza on the leFort In the shopping plaza, is a police officer.

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