Duval, Florida Speed Traps

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Memorial Park Road near Old Middleburg Road

Duval, FloridaAug 17, 20070 Comments

A police car normally is sitting off to the side, at the stop sign, on Memorial Park (facing Old Middleburg Rd), during the 5:00pm to 6:00pm traffic. Tend to stop people coming around the curve (after Lenox Avenue and right before Alachua Avenue)

US Highway US 1 South near J.T. Butler Blvd. Boulevard

Duval, FloridaJun 28, 20070 Comments

As one is heading north on Philips Highway, US 1 North, between J.T.Butler Blvd. and University Blvd., off to the right side of the highway sits several radar and laser equipped officers, some in cruisers, others on motorcycles, aiming their speed trap contraptions at motorists traveling above the posted 45 MPH, which in itself is way too slow for that stretch of sparcely populated, four lane, divided highway. This area has been a speedtrap for years and it’s not likely to change anytime soon.

State Highway 9A near JTB Boulevard

Duval, FloridaJun 14, 20070 Comments

the part to watch out for is the short distance between JTB and gate parkway on 9A. usually they’ll have one to two radar cars and some times they’ll be on bikes, they like to stay right after the bridge where the speed limit goes from 65 to 55. also watch out a few miles up the road (on 9A when you’re passing the church on the left side — northbound) I’ve seen a few police cars hiding there at night with their lights off waiting. just a heads up

Lem Turner Street

Duval, FloridaMay 22, 20070 Comments

Several Highway Patrolmen park at the corner of Lem Turner and Prospect in an parking lot, checking traffic coming North over a small bridge

Caron Street near St. Augustine Road

Duval, FloridaAug 17, 20060 Comments

They hide on other side streets w/ radar

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