Fort Myers, Florida Speed Traps

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Palm Beach Blvd & Seaboard St

Fort Myers, FloridaNov 09, 20031 Comments

Seaboard St (one way street) curves onto Palm Beach Blvd, near downtown Fort Myers. Police park either in the median or just after the curve to clock speeders. I beg of you all to slow down as this is a very sharp curve and I have seen some pretty nasty accidents right there as well as cars cornering on 2 wheels since they were going too fast. I almost thought about not reporting this one but feel we have the right to be informed.

Colonial Blvd Extension 884 to SR 82 to Leigh Acres

Fort Myers, FloridaNov 02, 20020 Comments

Massed activity very high emphasis on fund raising. Move around all the tricks. Best I have seen in 50 years.

Danials Parkway to SR 82

Fort Myers, FloridaNov 02, 20020 Comments

All of Daniels Road from Six Mile Cypres to the SW Regional Airport to Immokalee Rd. SR82. The extension from the airport to SR82 has a 50 daytime and 45mph night limit. It was constructed with US Highway money and looks just like Interstate I-75. They watch this like the money maker it is.

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