Fruitland Park, Florida Speed Traps

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Picciola Cutoff

Fruitland Park, FloridaJun 08, 20131 Comments

The road curves in the area, and there is a hill on either side of the curve. The north side of the road borders Lake Griffin State Park, and the trees from the park – along with the hills – make the inside of the curve impossible to see. Fruitland Park PD likes to hide on the inside of the curve, and by the time a driver sees the police cruiser alongside the road it is too late.

Shiloh St.

Fruitland Park, FloridaDec 30, 20100 Comments

The stretch on Shiloh from Poinsettia to Dixie. Posted 25 mph. Cops will nail you for 1 mile over. The local gestapo lay in wait. Beware or PAY!

County Road 468

Fruitland Park, FloridaMar 01, 20100 Comments

The officer sits in the church parking lot at the bottom of the hill under the trees. And in the early morning hours he sits at several streets along County Road 468 — North Ave. and at Lewis Rd.

US Highway 441/27 near Wishful Thinking Western World

Fruitland Park, FloridaOct 11, 20080 Comments

They will sit a marked unit usually a slick top crown vic but sometimes an impala, on the far south end of the parking lot in front of Western World. The unit will back in and face north clocking traffic (KA band) going south. With all the trees and there big ugly sign in the way you wont see him until its to late. Those with radar detectors beware they generally run instant on in this paticular location.

State Highway 466a near Between 468 and 25 Road

Fruitland Park, FloridaOct 03, 20071 Comments

There are several traps east of the Villages on 466a where the speed goes from 55 to 35 and 20 mph. In fact the school zone is less than 40 yards and they will ticket you for 3 miles over the limit and since their police vehicles aren’t equipped with video or microphones you have no defense and they are very generous with the location of where they claim you were speeding. Just sit in your car and take it for the officers can be very abusive and rude. By the way if you choose to go to court the fees go up and can be up to $1,000, welcome to Florida!

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