Gainesville, Florida Speed Traps

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S.W. 35th Place

Gainesville, FloridaApr 14, 20101 Comments

A motorcycle cop sits behind the bushes after the first curve going east on S.W. 35th Place. This is the road just off 34th Street by the Kangaroo. The speed limit on this road is only 30 mph, so it’s easy to get a huge ticket. Sometimes a whole slew of cops, motorcycles and otherwise, will be waiting for drivers through there. Be careful!

Also, don’t flash your lights at other drivers if you notice the speedtrap. Other unmarked cops are waiting for you to do that and will write you a bogus ticket based on an unsupportive statute. My husband got a ticket on this road for this "offense."

I-75 Just before Paynes Prarie

Gainesville, FloridaApr 14, 20102 Comments

Just before Paynes Prarie on 1-75, there is almost always a cop hidden behind trees on the left side. It is an excellent hiding spot for them because you can’t see them at all until you just drive by them

Millhopper Road at State Park Entrance

Gainesville, FloridaMar 17, 20100 Comments

DEP Officer sits on side of road running radar to get you when you crest the hill on either side of the State Park entrance.

U.S. Hwy. 441 near Payne’s Prairie

Gainesville, FloridaJan 27, 20103 Comments

Be very careful approaching the south side of the prairie from either direction, but especially from the south. They hide in the trees of the median.

They enforce heavily around the beginning/end of college semester (University of Florida is just three miles from there) and during holiday seasons like Christmas, Thanksgiving, 4th of July, and Spring Break. They love to milk students, but they are hard up for cash & hit everyone else then.

SW 20th Avenue by 43rd Street

Gainesville, FloridaJan 21, 20100 Comments

Cops both on 43rd Street south of the intersection and on 20th Avenue west of it. They just got me. Be careful!

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