Jacksonville, Florida Speed Traps
Lee Road (entire length)
Lee Road runs from Atlantic Blvd to Ft. Caroline Road. It’s a popular cutover, speed limit is 30. Mostly motorcycle police sit and hide in numerous locations throughout the length of this short road. No pattern, it’s random any day of the week at any time. Occasionally an unmarked green Expedition or a marked JSO car will sit on one side of the overpass that crosses 9-A tagging people going in both directions with motorcycle backup. Also, police will sit on this overpass tagging people driving on 9-A from either direction with laser.
Old Middleburg Road between Wilson Blvd and Fouraker Road
Turning onto Old Middleburg Road, from Wilson Blvd heading South, the road is TWO LANES, and 45 mph.
After one block, it branches, and changes to ONE LANE, and 35 mph.
The Police, on a daily basis, station TWO POLICE cars in the parking lot of a Church just 200 feet from the "lane change".
The Police take advantage of the "lane change" to give Drivers "speeding tickets" before the Drivers have a REALISTIC chance to slow down and adjust to the reduced number of lanes.
The Police Officers stand on the Church sidewalk with Radar Detectors, and then "step out into the road" and motion drivers to stop for a "Speeding" ticket.
The "average" ticket is $175.00 for driving "42 mph in a 35 mph zone."
What a scam.
I-10 East and Westbound near the Lane Ave. Exit
Statetroopers , car or motorcycle, and also an occasional unmarked vehicle, sit on the left side of the road on I-10 east, right after you go over the Lane Ave. overpass. They usually walk right out in front of your car and signal for you to pull over. This also goes for I-10 West, they sit in the same spot but on the other side of the guardrail, catching speeders traveling westbound.
Hecksher Dr. between the Zoo and 9A
Speed limit is 45 mph on Hecksher Dr. As you get close to the first bridge past the Zoo it suddenly changes to 35 mph. The sign is not easy to see because it is behind small limbs from trees or bushes. The police sit over in the middle of the road in the median and wait for you. It is like Lawtey used to be from 45 to 35 very quickly and the sign is definitely not visible until you are right on top of it.
500 Wonderwood Drive (Hanna Park)
A City park, the cops sit around the first bend from the entrance, with radar/laser) and write anyone going just 6 MPH over the posted 25 MPH. Inside the park, closer to the beach, cops use radar/laser between parking lots 5 and 6, on "Seminole Rd". The cops also seem to put a lot of parking tickets on parked cars too. Imagine a "nice" day at the park costing $114, or more!!!