Lakeland, Florida Speed Traps

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Old Combee Road passing over I-4

Lakeland, FloridaDec 08, 20110 Comments

The limit is 30 mph! Set low in my opinion for revenue…at the cost of people’s driving records and insurance premium increases.

Griffin Rd between Kathleen & Mall Hill Dr, eastbound

Lakeland, FloridaSep 28, 20110 Comments

Going eastbound after Kathleen, it’s basically a wide open road, making it tempting to go about 55-60, but the posted speed limit is only 40. The police use a laser gun from a point about 3/4 of the way from Kathleen to Mall Hill Dr. Got me today.

Cleveland Heights Blvd

Lakeland, FloridaMar 05, 20110 Comments

When going North on Cleveland Heights Blvd, just past the YMCA the
motorcycle policemen hide at several different locations on the north-
bound side of the roadway, and ticket motorists who start picking up
speed after the red light at the YMCA.

Chase Road north Lakeland

Lakeland, FloridaFeb 22, 20110 Comments

I witness many drivers accelerating just after they pass the wall/curve and continue at a very high speed until they reach the 4 way stop at Ritter Rd. Then they speed again to Banana Rd. There are a great deal of children in this area who need safety because they ride the bus. Please also see about setting up speed bumps/ calming zone. Adding calming zones wuth trees wpould be a good idea also. The heaviest flow is between 10a-noon and 2p-3p. I will allow law enfrcement to use my driveway if needed. Motorcycle cops would be best to be the least undetectible.

South Florida Avenue before Walnut Street

Lakeland, FloridaDec 06, 20100 Comments

Motorcycle cops stand under the covered bus stop on the east side of South Florida Avenue, just north of the Presbyterian Retirement high-rise, where the street starts the downhill dip to Walnut Steet. One of them uses the radar gun on the northbound traffic and the other takes off after the speeder. They work this location during the day on average a couple times a week.

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