Miami, Florida Speed Traps

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SR 878 (Snapper Creek Xway)

Miami, FloridaJul 01, 20010 Comments

Entire length of 878 (US-1 to SR 874) is subject to periodic enforcement by FHP. Mid-day is busiest time. SR 874 (Shula Xway) also regularly patrolled from SR 878 and points south.

SR 874 (Shula Xway)

Miami, FloridaJul 01, 20010 Comments

SR 874 from intersection with SR 878 (Snapper Creek Xway) South to its terminus at FL Turnpike. Watch area between Kendall Dr and Killian Dr exits in particular.

836 West 1 mile before 87th ave exit

Miami, FloridaJul 01, 20010 Comments

Becarefull they park right after you go over 826. Due to the hill you can’t see them untill is too late.

Miami-Dade Community College Kendall Campus

Miami, FloridaJun 01, 20000 Comments

Two Miami-Dade Police Officers work there each day from 7am until 3pm and most of the time they work radar on the parimeter roads. They give no slack.

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