Oldsmar, Florida Speed Traps

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Forest Lakes Boulevard near Tampa Road

Oldsmar, FloridaMar 29, 20080 Comments

Forest Lakes goes from 45 to 35 just north Of Tampa Road, and the cops are there, usually standing on the roadside with laser in hand. Be Careful, if you like to keep your money in your wallet.


Countryway Boulevard near Tampa/Hillsborough Road

Oldsmar, FloridaOct 24, 20070 Comments

They sit in the entrance of Walgreens parking lot using the radar for the cars heading south on Countryway going to Tampa/Hillsborough Rd intersection

Douglas Road near Bayview Boulevard

Oldsmar, FloridaJun 20, 20070 Comments

Cops stand on corner and radar you. Officers then point for you to pull over. On residential street by Oldsmar, FL post office.

State Route 580 near Bridge

Oldsmar, FloridaMay 20, 20070 Comments

on eather side of the bridge between Oldsmar and Safety Harbor on State road #580 a wolf pack on the down side or end of the bridge. a real money maker, a four lane devided high way built for a 65mph, but with a speed limit of 45 mph. With so much police protection of the people who can pay the high fines, for an easy 60 mph, 15 over the limit you will have to go to school too.

State Route 580 near Oldsmar bridge

Oldsmar, FloridaMar 28, 20060 Comments

On coming traffic on both sides of the bridge beware. Sting operations are in effect. Unmarked Ford Explorers, Crown Victorias, Dodge Intrepids, and Ford Rangers lines up on both sides of the bridge to catch unsuspecting drivers. There are 2 sheriff deputies with radar/laser guns pointed in opposite directions. They are using cameras on scan license plates of drivers who think they can get away from them. Ask how I know?? I was caught using this technology. They have super zoom cameras installed in there patrol cars and believe me when I say that they work. So to all of you out there who travel this route be very very careful. To them this is a game to see who catches the most drivers.

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