Orange City, Florida Speed Traps

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Blue Spring Avenue near US Highway 17-92

Orange City, FloridaAug 01, 20060 Comments

There is a cop patrolling Blue Spring Avenue at all times. They go from one end of the road until the other. Their main thing is to bust people running a stop sign that pops up out of nowhere. Look out!

Graves Avenue near Leavitt Avenue

Orange City, FloridaJul 29, 20050 Comments

Cop on the other side of the hill

Saxon Boulevard near Enterprise Road

Orange City, FloridaNov 27, 20041 Comments

In the Market Place shopping center (where the Kmart and Movie theater is), there are sometimes 2-4 police cars sitting somewhere in the parking lot. One is facing saxon blvd, the other towards the movie theater, and they are always there friday nights

Veterans memorail Parkway near Saxon Boulevard

Orange City, FloridaNov 27, 20040 Comments

Okay this is a big one. As you turn onto vetrans memorail parkway from saxon blvd, there is a few buildings and a slab. Before the entrance to walmart, on the slab sometimes, is the speed trap. Also don’t cut through the chick-fil-a parking lot to get to wal-mart if youre going westbound on saxon. There are cops waiting, too

Blue Springs Road

Orange City, FloridaFeb 05, 20040 Comments

The city police dept. is constantly patroling Blue Spring Rd., Rhode Island and Ohio near the dump.
They are always out of thier cars, with the vehicle hidden and at times will hide behind trees.(entrapment?)

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