Palm Bay, Florida Speed Traps

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Americana Blvd NE & Bayard Ave NE

Palm Bay, FloridaApr 02, 20090 Comments

Beware durning the morning commute hours!!! There is usually a car with a radar gun posted here catching speeders coming either from Minton or turning the bend to the west. Posted speed is 30 because kids are going to school. Various times of the day they may be out there too, since the PBPD is only a couple blocks away and they can make there quota easy.

Malabar Road near Interstate 95

Palm Bay, FloridaFeb 26, 20084 Comments

From 95 to the Walmart traffic light the speed limit is 25 mph, they park in the dark on the mediun in front of Walmart.


Knecht Road near Palm Bay Road

Palm Bay, FloridaNov 20, 20070 Comments

heading south on knecht road the police will be on the right hand side in near the bushes on the corner of Lemay and Knecht road. They usually have about 4 cop cars and catch you by surprise.

Troutman Boulevard near Port Malabar Boulevard

Palm Bay, FloridaOct 11, 20070 Comments

Coming North on Troutman off of Port Malabar, just after you pass the entrance to an apartment complex on the East side of the street, you will go around a bend in the road. The cops sit in the median and clock you as you come around the bend. Many times I have seen people pulled over going to work and coming home from work (7am & 5pm).

Cogan Avenue

Palm Bay, FloridaAug 27, 20070 Comments

Since Cogan now extends from San Fillipo thru to the Bayside Lakes shopping center, there are patrol cars in the area any time of day. The speed limit is 30 which is unrealistic. There are subdivisions entering and exiting Cogan but houses are set way back from the road in gated communities. Taking into consideration that the speed limit on Jupiter is 40 and that private driveways are right on the side of the road, 30 MPH in the Bayside area is way out of line. There are no schools on that section of Cogan and no private drives either.

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