Seminole, Florida Speed Traps
113th St. (Duhme Rd.) by Seminole Library
They like to sit right in front of the Seminole Library scanning north on southbound vehicles on Duhme Road. I’ve noted as many as four deputy sherriff’s lined up in marked cars next to and behind an unmarked vehicle (usually dark blue/maroon and is the one with the radar gun) blocking you from seeing the white/green sherriff’s cars. I’m not sure what their speed criteria is but the limit is 40 through there. I’ve driven past doing about 48 and didn’t get hit but anything over 50 is probably risky. It’s right near the Seminole City Hall and the S.O. wants to make sure that the Seminole City Council knows they are getting their money’s worth for the county sherriff’s police enforcement. They set this trap at least once a week and I always see folks pulled over.
Park Boulevard on the west side of Lake Seminole
The traffic going west on park boulevard should be careful once they pass Seminole Lake Park, once you clear the lake the speed limit drops to from 45 to 35 and PCS officers like to hide just past the lake in the parking lot next to the Chinese restaurant and pop drivers who fail to lower their speed.
Park Boulevard and Seminole Blvd. Westbound
Speed limit is 45 mph all the way up Park heading toward the beaches, abruptly changes to 35 mph and cop sits in the median to nail you without giving an opportunity to slow down.
86th Avenue and Rue Chateaux Drive
Deputy sits in unmarked blue car on Rue Chateaux Drive while cars are lined up on 86th Ave waiting to get inot Starkey Elementary School to pick uo their students. If you are going down 86th Ave the only way to get around is to go out into the oncoming lane and pass the cars waiting in line. Instead of this deputy getting out of his car and directing motorists safely around the line of traffic he hides in his car and waits for people to pull out and bypass the line turns on his lights and siren and pulls them over and isuues tickets. Sooner or later the deputy himself will hit one of the children.
125th St and Frank Ave (just south of 102nd)
Unmarked Dark Blue vehicle, sits in the grass on the west side of the road, clocking people going south from 102nd, no speed limit sign until after the point he clocks you. Likes to be out there early in the morning while it is still dark and catch people going to work.