Sunrise, Florida Speed Traps

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Pat Salerno Dr on the ramp

Sunrise, FloridaFeb 19, 20110 Comments

Motorcycle police on the right side of the ramp towards the top of the flyover,usualy in the a.m. sometimes a cruiser but mostly motorcycle.

Sunset Strip between NW 68th Ave, and University Drive

Sunrise, FloridaSep 18, 20101 Comments

Speed limit is 30 MPH which is strictly enforced

between sunrise blvd and broward blvd on flamingo rd

Sunrise, FloridaMay 24, 20100 Comments

cops sit half a mile south of sunrise on east side and motorcycle cop checks radar while two officers stand in east lane and flag offenders over,no breaks for firemen either

NW 120th Way between Oakland Park Blvd. & NW 44th St.

Sunrise, FloridaMay 15, 20100 Comments

It’s a long curvey stretch and the speed limit is 25 MPH. Police wait along the
swall at the end of the curve so there is no time to slow down.

Sunset Strip/NW 94th Way

Sunrise, FloridaApr 28, 20100 Comments

3 cop cars sit on the islands in the middle of the road. Usually present during weekend mornings/early afternoons.

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